Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Firehose Nightmares

This one is a keeper!

Cardio Intervals:

Firehose Slams
Step ups

First ten rounds 30 seconds work 90 second active rest (leg raises while resting)...last ten rounds 30 seconds work 60 second rest no leg raises.

We missed Christine today due to her little one being sick. Hopefully she feels better tomorrow.

Here's a video of the Firehose Slam, without sounding too corny, this one was a hit:)

Nutrition Tip of the Day:

Food Label Quick Reading:

Look at the fat and saturated fat- the saturated fat grams should be half or less the total fat grams.

Same with the carbs and sugar grams. The sugar grams should be half or less the total carb grams for a food to be considered quality.

The food should contain 3-4 grams of fiber AND 3-4 grams of protein (some exceptions to this rule like yogurt)

The food should also have listed vitamins and minerals and in abundant quantities.


  1. Ah Man! I am sorry to have missed that one. I am sure I will get to do it soon enough though!

  2. OMG!! Erica & Missy were CRANKIN!!!! I tried to keep up with them, but I definately showed that hose who was boss!!! You go girls!! =)
