Monday, April 6, 2009

Cardio for Fat Loss

Cardio Day in MOOserville, but we added some new stuff today:

Alternating Firehose Slams
Jump Rope
Plate Punches
Kettlebell High Pull Burpee

30 seconds of work 60 seconds rest. We did ten rounds, rested then did ten more.

Erica didn't get enough work apparently because she then joined us for the 900am bootcamp...she might be addicted folks, not sure.

Here's a video of todays workout:

Great results from all the moosers, be sure to check out their blogs for the tallys thus far. I hope to have the six week mark leaders of the contest up soon.

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah.. that's how you get 60 plate punches!! Wooo!!!!
