Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Bootcamp Workout Update

Today we did the very same workout we did on the very first day, and had some pretty amazing results.

Everyone was using heavier weight on exercises and either beat their previous time or came close.

Beating your time AND using heavier weight. I don't know about you but that spells improvement to me. Great stuff everyone.


Kettlebell Swings
Squat Press
Push ups

30 seconds of work 30 seconds rest for three rounds counting reps. Complete all exercises in this format.

Scaled Challenge: Now take all of your reps from all exercises and burn through them all in on big circuit for time.

Then we did ten minutes of farmer's carry relay/burpees/plank- One person did the farmers carry and five burpees at the end then farmers carry back while their partner would perform a plank. Then when partner returned, they would switch roles.

Here's a video of today:

Got some updates on who is leading the contest, but don't have Christine's results yet, so here are the tentative results thus far. It is very close:

1. Lisa
2. Erica
3. Tonia
4. Missy

Here's how I figured it: inches lost x body fat percentage lost squared (since body fat is our primary measuring point, we doubled the value) x percentage of body weight lost. I'll update if I get Christines measurement.

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