Monday, January 10, 2011

Here are your Semi-Finalists

Congratulations to the semi-finalists of the Biggest MOOser!  Now is your chance to cast your vote for the top THREE pairs you would like to see go through the 12 week Bootcamp Transformation.  To the right of this post you will see a poll that says contestants #1-#6.  The numbers correspond to the stories you will see below.  Simply choose the top three stories by voting for them on the poll to the right, hit the vote button and your vote will be cast.

On Friday January 14th, the voting ends at midnight and we will announce the 3 pairs that will receive 12 weeks of unlimited bootcamp for free.  So without further ado, here are the semi-finalists stories:

Contestants #1

2. How long have you struggled with your weight? Give details such as other programs you have tried, emotional struggles you have had, and social struggles also apply. Tell us your story.

Applicant 1- I have always been over weight, but especially since I have had my two children. Over the last 10 years I have taken part in Curves, which really did nothing for me because they don't push you to better yourself. Emotionally, I have a very hard time when I am shopping. I get so upset with trying clothes on, and having to get the larger size that I have started to order all my clothing online. I never thought that I would be the person that would have to shop in the "Plus Size" section of the store. I have had times where I would need to borrow a pair of pants from friends, and had to wear their wind-pants because that is all that fit me. It was very hard for me to have to admit to them that their pants just did not fit me. Because of my issues with my weight, I tend to stay home even in the summer. My children did not go to the beach once last summer, because I feel embarrassed to be seen in a swim suit. Instead, we purchased a kiddie pool so that we could be in the privacy of our own home. At one point in my life I had someone very close to me say "you must be so jealous of your sister", this broke my heart because the sister they were talking about is tall, thin and beautiful. As I tear up just thinking about this, and think why that person couldn't think of me the same way, or even look at the fact that I feel I am truly a beautiful person on the inside. I will never understand how people can be so mean, and feel the need to put you down when you obviously struggle with your weight issues. Applicant 2- I felt as though I was chubby in my youth, and it became more of a problem when I started dating my husband. He is a very good cook, and I am an emotional eater so the two do not go hand in hand. I have done Weight Watchers, which I did well while staying true to the program. But outside there was a lack of support to push me to work out or do other activities. Working in a high stress job and beginning a new relationship; I was enjoying my time with my new boyfriend and never realizing that my size was changing. I am not a failure, which is why this is very hard for me. It is hard for me to realize that my weight is the only thing that I have failed at.

3. Why is it so important for you to lose weight? Please add any medical conditions here if applicable. Also use as much detail as possible. This question, above all others will tells us why you are applying and what has propelled you apply for this transformation contest.

Applicant 1- It is very important for me to lose weight, not only for myself but for my kids. There are many medical issues in my family, and even though I may not have them now it is most likely going to hit me in the future if I don't take care of myself now. The time has come for me to make the positive changes in my life to show my family that I want to be healthy and live a long and full life. I do not want to have a heart attack at an early age like my father. I want to make sure that I am doing what ever possible to not end up with diabetes, or high cholesterol. I want to be able to take my kids to the park and play with them on the jungle gyms, and chase them around in the sand. I don't want to be the mom that watches her children from the bench because she is out of breath so quickly. I want to be active with them, and not sit at home on the weekends because I just don't feel like doing anything. Applicant 2- I also have two children, and after the first one was born the baby weight stayed. When I was pregnant for my second child I acquired gestational diabetes. I was insulin dependent for three months of my second pregnancy, and I can honestly say that I have not checked my sugar since. The thought of knowing that I have not checked my sugar in four years and that there are most likely still issues, scares me. Since my partner is my sister, we share the same family medical history. Our father having a heart attack when he was only 41 years old and our aunt having diabetes.

4. There are so many people struggling with how they feel about themselves due to their weight. How will you reach out to them and lend a helping hand once you have achieved success?

Applicant 1- I find that it is always easy to relate to people that have been where you are. It is best to be honest with someone about the hard work and motivation that you need in order to become healthy and to stay healthy. I am not there yet but because I am the person that wants to help everyone, people can trust that I would be there to help them along the way. I would give them that person to work out with, so that they wouldn't have to go alone, I would push them when they think that they have no more left to give. I would be there to help them achieve their successes. Applicant 2- By being selected, that would already be helping three other people become healthier. We do have company over for supper quite often, so by them seeing the changes in the meals that we prepare for them will motivate them to make healthier meals at home. I also think that I tend to hang out with bigger people because that is where I am comfortable, by them seeing the changes in me, that would be the first step in helping others.

5. What are you willing to do in order to succeed?

Applicant 1- At this point in my life, I am willing to do what ever it takes to succeed. I don't like to fail, and I push myself to achieve goals in my everyday life now, and I am willing to put myself through the biggest transformation of my life to get where I want to be. Applicant 2- I ready, bring it on, and I mean anything. I am flexible and willing to do what is required of me. You have seen my sisters responses, she is my partner and really will be there to push me every step of the way.

6. What are you not willing to do?

Applicant 1- I can't say that their is anything that I wouldn't do. Since I am signing up with my partner we are both realizing that now is the time and we need to suck it up to get healthy. Applicant 2- I agree with my sister, I need this in my life to help push me and keep me focused at my goal.

7. How will you celebrate your results?

Applicant1-   I'd like to say that I would go shopping at a store, and enjoy trying on the clothes. Applicant 2- I will be at the store with my sister, trying on clothes that are not in the "Plus Size" section. Teaching my children a better way of life is a celebration as well. This is my way to stop the cycle of obesity for my family.

8. You will experience one or more times during your transformation that would be much easier if you quit. How can we be sure that you will not quit?

Applicant 1-  Like I have said before "I am not a quitter", I am a very competitive person and I am willing to push myself and my partner every single step of the way. Applicant 2- I too am very competitive, and I will remind everyone that this is a competition. ;) My husband is aware of what I am going to be doing if selected, and he is willing to help me succeed. He knows how important this is to me, and will support me every step of the way.

9. Is there anything else we should know that will help us determine if you would be a great choice to participate in this transformation contest?

Applicant 1- By giving me and my partner an opportunity like this, you would be giving our families the chance of having a happy healthy lifestyle. We would be able to educate our family on the better choices that we could all make to stay healthy. Applicant 2- We come from an athletic background, we played sports and did Tae Kwon Do for years. It seems as though we have gotten off track and need some help to guide us back.

Contestants #2

2. How long have you struggled with your weight? Give details such as other programs you have tried, emotional struggles you have had, and social struggles also apply. Tell us your story.

Applicant 1- I have struggled with my wieght my whole life, no matter what I try it seems nearly impossible for me to loose weight. I have never had the privlege of shopping in a "regular" size store. I have tried everything from Weight watchers, to TOPS, and have even considered going to as far as gastric bypass surgery, even though I am terrfied of surgery. I have suffered 27 years of emotional abouse by other people, kids in school and even my own family. It is heart breaking for me to be the "fattest" person in a room, it makes me want to run home, crawl in my bed and just cry. I need to free myself from this emotional nightmare, and get healthy. Applicant 2- I have struggled with my weight for the past 15 years. I have tried eating right, exercising and staying active. I also deal with ridicule on a daily basis, and the fact that we are always the "fat couple" whenever we go anywhere, it makes me sad to see my fiance struggle and myself too.

3. Why is it so important for you to lose weight? Please add any medical conditions here if applicable. Also use as much detail as possible. This question, above all others will tells us why you are applying and what has propelled you apply for this transformation contest.

Applicant 1- The most important reason for me to lose weight and apply for this help and support is my daughter. She is almost 3 years old and I want to see her grow up and get married and give me a grandbaby. I want to be there be there for her long term, and unless I lose weight and get healthy I won't be. There are a lot of people struggling to lose weight, and a lot of people who are obese, like myself, and there is no easy option to fix it, it takes hard work, and I am ready to work hard, not only for myself, but mainly to live an active and productive life with my daughter. I also suffer from joint pain, chronic back pain and recently had my galbladder removed. I also recently found out I have slight cirrhoisis of my liver, and the only fix is diet and exercise. I don't want to die young, I want to live a long, healthy life. Applicant 2- I suffer from chronic knee problems which could be weight related. I like Maygan also want to be there for our child Katie and give her a life of excitement and enjoyment. Without the help and support, I don't think we will be able to do that.

4. There are so many people struggling with how they feel about themselves due to their weight. How will you reach out to them and lend a helping hand once you have achieved success?

Applicant 1- I will always offer support and recognition, just like I currently do now. I will reach out through our communtiy center IROC and offer my experience as hope for someone else. Because if I can do it, then anyone can. Applicant 2- I will reachout by sticking to my weight loss routine and having others who feel the need to lose weight join me. Also offering my experience as reinforcement for others to go ahead and give it a try.

5. What are you willing to do in order to succeed?

Both Applicants- We are willing and ready to do anything it takes to make this a complete success.

6. What are you not willing to do?
Both Applicants- there is nothing we aren't willing to do.

7. How will you celebrate your results?

Both Applicants- By continuing to stay healthy together, and maybe, finally plan our wedding!

8. You will experience one or more times during your transformation that would be much easier if you quit. How can we be sure that you will not quit?

Applicant 1- Can't, Won't and Quit are not in my vocabulary. I will suffer through the dry heaves, sweat and tears to get healthy and live a long life. Applicant 2- I am not a quitter. Once I start something I will continue it until the end. I also think Maygan and I are great support for eachother and being together through this will ensure our complete success and motivation.

9. Is there anything else we should know that will help us determine if you would be a great choice to participate in this transformation contest?

Both Applicants- We have been together and suffering with our weight for over a year now. We would like to have our fairytale wedding, but we have bother decided until we get to our desirable weight we are putting it off. Weddings should be a fun happy time, but not be looking beautiful for our wedding will make us both sad. Applicant 1- I want to live a long, productive life. I want to be able to shop at the local stores and fit into the clothing. I want my fairytale wedding and the dress I will look amazing in. Please pick us, our lives depend on it.

Contestants #3

2. How long have you struggled with your weight? Give details such as other programs you have tried, emotional struggles you have had, and social struggles also apply. Tell us your story.

My name is ___ and I have struggled with my weight for the past twenty years. I have tried quite a few diets with some success only to gain the wait back after losing track of my goals. The diets I have tried are weightwatchers, atkins, body for life, beach body diet by Michael Thurman, flush the fat diet and last but not least the flat belly diet. My wife and I have two teen boys that keep us busy, we try to eat right but don't always have the time or motivation to exercise. I am 55 and would like to get back in shape. I feel very discourage with the way I look and feel due to my wait. Simple things are harder just from carrying around extra wait. Right now I am 5' 9" and way 245lbs. Ten years ago I weighed 190lbs and felt really good. I would like to get back to at least that or lighter. I know this is also crucial to my health as obesity can cause health related problems. Pleas help my wife and I get back on track to be healthy. My name is _____, I am 49 years old and I have struggled with my weight all my life. I was heavy as a teenager and all of my adult life. I did go on a diet called weight loss clinic in my twenties in which I lost forty pounds which brought me to 140lbs which was a nice weight for me. Once I went off the strict diet, I slowly gained the weight back. Since then I have tried Nutrisystem, Atkins, body for life, beach body by Michael Thurman, flush the fat diet and flat belly diet. All of which I had some success but in the end the weight came back. Right now I am 5'7" and weigh 220 lbs. I would like to weigh around 150-165lbs. I have always been self conscious about the way my clothes fit or have had difficulty buying clothes that fit or actually look good and not frumpy on me. My husband and I are a good tag team as far as moral support goes. We just need a little or a lot of help to get started!!!

3. Why is it so important for you to lose weight? Please add any medical conditions here if applicable. Also use as much detail as possible. This question, above all others will tells us why you are applying and what has propelled you apply for this transformation contest.

It is important for my husband and I to lose weight because the extra weight has slowed us down. The things we were able at a lower weight are not as simple. Health is also a concern as excessive weight can lead to health complications. Our children are 12 and 14 yrs old and we want to be around when they have children and to be a part of their lives for as long as we can.

4. There are so many people struggling with how they feel about themselves due to their weight. How will you reach out to them and lend a helping hand once you have achieved success?

We would let them know that they are not the only ones out there struggling with their weight and there are resources out there to get help. You just need the inner drive and willingness to at least research your options.

5. What are you willing to do in order to succeed?
What ever it is that is required. And if that is cleaning out my food pantry or having to go for a walk in a snow storm, then bring it on .We are ready!!!

6. What are you not willing to do?

It all depends on what the criteria is..We are willing to just about everything, as long as it's in our means.
7. How will you celebrate your results?

A new outfit would be nice.

8. You will experience one or more times during your transformation that would be much easier if you quit. How can we be sure that you will not quit?

We feel this is our last chance to lose weight. If we don't do it now, we will probably stay of the yoyo diet track for the rest of our lives and we don't want to do that...we are tired of it!!! We give eachother good moral support and are determined to take the weight off...

9. Is there anything else we should know that will help us determine if you would be a great choice to participate in this transformation contest?

No, we have covered just about everything..Thank you

Contestants #4

2. How long have you struggled with your weight? Give details such as other programs you have tried, emotional struggles you have had, and social struggles also apply. Tell us your story.

Applicant 1 -All my life, I was an overweight child. I have tried everything,Low Carb diets,Adkins,etc. I never knew what to eat or how much to eat. I would be depressed b/c I didnt like the way I looked or felt about myself. Applicant 2-I have struggled since having my first child 20 yrs ago. I have tried personal trainers, weight watchers, Adkins, South Beach..Etc. Nothing seemed to work. Obesity runs in my family and through this I get depressed and eat out of emotions.

3. Why is it so important for you to lose weight? Please add any medical conditions here if applicable. Also use as much detail as possible. This question, above all others will tells us why you are applying and what has propelled you apply for this transformation contest.

Both Applicants-We need to lose weight to feel good about ourselves and we need to be there for our families,children and grandchildren. Neither one of us have medical conditions at this time. Being overweight does lead to diabetes,high blood pressure,high cholestrol, and poor mobility and we want to prevent that.

4. There are so many people struggling with how they feel about themselves due to their weight. How will you reach out to them and lend a helping hand once you have achieved success?

Both Applicants- we would reach out by saying being overweight is a constant struggle. We would support them in their trials to lose weight but also give them guidence in what was successful for us by being there for them and giving them tips on how it was successful for us and how we reached our goals.

5. What are you willing to do in order to succeed?

Both Applicants-We are willing to do anything and everything. Follow directions and go over and beyond to achieve our goals.

6. What are you not willing to do?

Both Appicants-There is nothing that we are not willing to do.

7. How will you celebrate your results?

Both Applicants-we would celebrate with a 1 mile run and a whole new wardrobe. 8-)

8. You will experience one or more times during your transformation that would be much easier if you quit. How can we be sure that you will not quit?
Both Applicants-We know we have do this for us and we are ready and committed to our health.

9. Is there anything else we should know that will help us determine if you would be a great choice to participate in this transformation contest?

Both Applicants-we have good attitudes and great sense of humors that will help us achieve our goals. We know we would be a great addition with positive influences to the class, as well as, when we succeed great promo.

Contestants #5

2. How long have you struggled with your weight? Give details such as other programs you have tried, emotional struggles you have had, and social struggles also apply. Tell us your story.

we have both been struggling with depression and _____ has had diabetes for seven years and the weight never seems too go down she has been workin out everyday and she only eats veggies and her suger levels never stay where they should be and the doctor says that her liver is not workin right but if she loses weight she could get this reversed and she wouldnt have to take 4 shots a day i want my mom to get better i only have one mom and she is my prize possession so please help. i have been working very hard too but i am at a stand still and cant get it off and i am a pre diabetic i am 28 and i have been doin very well but i want to do this so i can help my mom so we can both stay around for a long time .

3. Why is it so important for you to lose weight? Please add any medical conditions here if applicable. Also use as much detail as possible. This question, above all others will tells us why you are applying and what has propelled you apply for this transformation contest.

because the diabetes and we want to beat this depression we want to be healthy again

4. There are so many people struggling with how they feel about themselves due to their weight. How will you reach out to them and lend a helping hand once you have achieved success?

well u just have to make the first step and tell yourself u are worth it and can do it

5. What are you willing to do in order to succeed?

anything as long as it works and see results

6. What are you not willing to do?

anything that will break bones

7. How will you celebrate your results?

new clothes and a family portrait and HANG it on wall show it off

8. You will experience one or more times during your transformation that would be much easier if you quit. How can we be sure that you will not quit?

there is no way we can we are already at the end of our ropes and havent quit after 2 years we are not quiters we are a team and we can do this to get healthy

9. Is there anything else we should know that will help us determine if you would be a great choice to participate in this transformation contest?

we would make great poster women for what can be done and we are dedicated women we need this HELP

Contestants #6

2. How long have you struggled with your weight? Give details such as other programs you have tried, emotional struggles you have had, and social struggles also apply. Tell us your story.

Partner 1: I have struggled with my weight for most of my life looking at pictures of me from early childhood to now, to me it always seems that I am the heaviest one. I always have been atleast 35 to 40 lbs over my ideal weight for my build something that has discouraged me from swimming with my kids at the lake to being uncomfortable without my shirt on even around my family.

Partner 2: I struggled with my weight on and off throughout my life ever since i was a child. I have tried the atkins diet, weightwatchers, and just trying to eat right on my own. There have periods in my life when i was in shape, due to military or the job i held and during those times i found that i was much more confident and social. At this point I am single and feel that i have no hope of finding anyone as i am unhappy with myself. my confidence with the opposite sex is worse than it has ever been. i find myself choosing to stay in, and be alone rather than being out enjoying life with my friends and family.

3. Why is it so important for you to lose weight? Please add any medical conditions here if applicable. Also use as much detail as possible. This question, above all others will tells us why you are applying and what has propelled you apply for this transformation contest.

Partner 1: It is really important at this point in my life to lose weight because of how I feel when trying to be active with my children. It seems that even the slightest activity makes me tired and winded. This along with the death of my father who had a massive stroke are the main factors pushing me into wanting to lose weight and be around for my family for many years. My father was only 46 when he died and if I don't do something about my weight now I feel that I will never be able to do something about it. As far as medical conditions go high blood pressure is always a factor yet lately I find myself being really short of breath and not very motivated. I feel that I need this opportunity to turn my life around for the better.

Partner 2: The most important reason for me to want to lose weight is for my little girl. she is eight and active, i dont want to bring her down, I want to have the energy to wear her out during the day, be active with her and teach her how to live a healthy lifestyle, I want to be here for her for a long time to come but if i keep going in the direction i am I am risking my life. I have been suffering from sleep apnia for the last 2 years, I am wide awake every hour on the dot, finding my self sitting up on the edge of my bed. I can never get enough sleep as i dont sleep anymore than one hour at a time. then up for 10 min to half an hour and back to bed to do it all over again. I did not have any trouble sleeping when i was not so heavy. if I set down in a chair for five minutes no matter where i am I fall asleep. i am finding it hard to concentrate and I have no energy.I also suffer from high blood pressure wich in turn causes stress easily. I really need to lose the stomach. My back aches i think due to the weight also.   
4. There are so many people struggling with how they feel about themselves due to their weight. How will you reach out to them and lend a helping hand once you have achieved success?

Partner 1: After I have achevied success I will just share my fears and my triumphs with them. The fear that you can never change and the feeling of overcoming the tremendous hurdle of obesity are two tools that I would use to reach out to others.

Partner 2: I will do my best to let them know that getting started is the hardest part, but that i am living proof that a healthy lifestyle is not as impossible to achieve as it currently feels. noone wants to live with depression and low self worth, but sometimes getting where we want to be seems so far away that getting on the path seems useless. Ever since i was in the military a modo that i have always tried to follow was action before motivation. If we are feeling hopeless this way of thinking could do me and anyone else willing to try some good.

5. What are you willing to do in order to succeed?

Partner 1: Anything and everything that is needed to reach the goal desired by everyone applying for this opportunity.

Partner 2: whatever it takes, just want to be healthy again, to get my social confidence back.

6. What are you not willing to do?

Partner 1: I am willing to follow all gudelines set by the people helping me whatever challenges they put before me I will give it my all to complete. If someone is willing to donate thier time to my well being then I will do whatever is needed to succed. Basically there is really nothing that I would not do.

Partner 2: cant sacrifice time with my daughter or my business.

7. How will you celebrate your results?

Partner 1: Just being comfortable in my own body would be celebration enough. The one thing I would like to do is take my shirt off and walk along the beach with my wife and kids proud of the work I put in to get there.

Partner 2: By continuing with what i have learned and trying to pass it on to my brother, and father, both out of shape and over weight, and teaching my little one how to lead a healthy lifestyle.  

  8. You will experience one or more times during your transformation that would be much easier if you quit. How can we be sure that you will not quit?

Partner 1: I can say wothout hesitation that I am not going to quit. This opportunity is not one to quit on, to be able to have the support of the people involved and the desire to lose weight that will ensure that I will not quit.

Partner 2: though i am not a quiter there have been a few times in my life that I have let myself down, but i have never let down my daughter, I am doing this form myself but she is my motivation and i will not let her, or my partner down once started

9. Is there anything else we should know that will help us determine if you would be a great choice to participate in this transformation contest?

Partner 1: I would love to be the active person that I imagined myself to be. I dont have the energy level I should for a 33 year old man worst thing is is I find my bad habits of late night snacks and watching t.v instead of taking a walk filtring down to my children. So I don't only see this as a giant opportunity for me it is a great opportunity for my entire family. Things learned throughout this transformation would be great to pass along to my family.

Partner 2: Just that i am determined to do the best i can to get where I want to be, just need a little push and guidance and i know i can get there. To me its not really about the contest its about bettering myself. 

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