Friday, February 20, 2009

Cardio Interval Training

Cardio Day for the Biggest MOOsers. But this ain't no stroll in the park. We do cardio Ben's Bootcamp Style; with Interval Training. Which happens to be the most effective fat loss cardio training on the planet.

Here is a video of a little bit of the action:

Cardio Intervals:

Step ups
Kettlebell Swings
High Knees

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds then rest for 90 seconds. Repeat for 10 rounds. 30 Seconds is as fast as you can go and the 90 seconds is recovery/rest.

Second perform 30 seconds of work then 60 seconds of rest in the second part of the workout. Today we completed 10 rounds here also.

I got some slack from the participants because I didn't post the warm up and cool down exercises AND I miss counted the amount of wall sits and planks they did. Let me assure you they busted tail from beginning to end:)

Nutrition Tip of the Day:

Thermic Effect Revisited

The following information was drawn from Alwyn Cosgroves Blog. Alwyn Cosgrove is the world leader in fat loss.

The thermic effect of food (TEF)- or thermogenic effect - is a term used to describe the energy expended by our bodies in order to consume (bite, chew and swallow) and process (digest, transport, metabolize and store) food.

For most people this total number typically accounts for about 7-10% of calories consumed based on the Standard American Diet (SAD....)

Breaking it down ...Protein foods typically have a TEF of 25 -30%. Carbohydrate foods require about 5-10%. Fruits are around 15% Cruciferous vegetables are around 30% and fats are somewhere between 0 and 3%.

So you can see where I'm going with this ... if you just exchanged 100 calories of carbs for 100 calories of protein -- you'd actually in effect - burn off another 20-25 calories. If you swapped 100 calories of fat for 100 calories of vegetables -- you'd eat up an extra 27-30 calories.

So let's say you are the typical person eating a highly processed, low fiber, low protein diet. You eat about 2500 calories and burn about 7% of those calories.

2500 - (7% of 2500) = 2325 calories absorbed

But then you switch to a higher protein diet, low in refined carbs and very high in whole foods, vegetables and fruits. You could easily increase the thermogenic effect.

2500 - (16% of 2500) = 2100 calories

That would mean you'd burn an extra 225 calories by doing nothing! For most people that's the equivalent of about 20-25 mins on a treadmill!

Small changes add up to big differences in the long term.


  1. Thanks for posting the Thermic effect. I am sharing this with people already. This is too smart!

  2. Ha, not too smart but information that is priceless when learning to eat supportively.
