Saturday was Pile On, the legendary workout all fear (except for the select few crazy people).
The MOOsers held their own and did very well. Here's the workout details:
First Round
High Pull
Second Round add two exercises and perform all four:
Goblet Squats
Flutter Kicks
Third round add two exercises and perform all six:
Push ups
Hip Extensions
Fourth Round add two and perform all eight:
Fifth Round add two and perform all ten:
Side Plank Leg Lift
Hill Climbers
Perform each exercise for one minute
Awesome Stuff;
Today was another cardio day:
30 seconds of work 60 seconds rest for 20 rounds
Plate Clean and Press
Alternating Firehose Slams
Jump Rope
Moosers killed it today, pushing their personal bests even higher. Awesome work. Here's a video of todays workout: